Guess what! We’re returning to in-person Sunday services in the next few weeks!! It’s finally happening!
We kick it off with Water Communion on Sunday, September 19th – I made this little video with more info….maybe you’ll recognize the music 😉
Over the next few weeks, we invite everyone to re-build a habit of joining together on Sunday. Here are two steps to get started:
Step 1. Join us for Water Communion!
We’re kicking off in-person services with an outdoors Water Communion celebration on Sunday, September 19th at 10 AM at Rolland Moore Park. Water Communion is a yearly ritual for many Unitarian Universalist congregations, including Foothills! Registration is required, so CLICK HERE to register and get must-know information!
Step 2. Pick your Sunday Service!
We have four ways for you to experience Sundays with Foothills (two in-person and two online).
CLICK HERE to learn about both in-person options! And find the one that works for you! Be sure to sign up as soon as you decide what service you’ll attend, as space is limited.
If you’re a parent of kids who will join you on Sundays, please go directly to sign up for our 10 AM intergenerational service, which will offer children’s programming.
If you’d prefer to stay online, please visit to learn more!
It’s been a long, long journey to get here. And “here” doesn’t look quite like we thought it would when we were “there.” Yet, I am feeling so good about the ways that no matter who you are, or what your Sunday looks like, or how you want to connect – and from where – there are so many incredible and safe opportunities for real connection, belonging, meaning-making, and experiencing that goodness that we’ve been exploring in our current series.
We can’t wait to see you – online, and IN PERSON! soon.
With love, and in partnership,
Rev. Gretchen