I received a few notes this week that said basically, “My life can’t get any slower“ – with various reasons attached. “So, what does this series mean for me?”
I so appreciate these messages. I appreciate the trust to say – this isn’t working, and I wish it did. And the dialogue that we then get to have where can both learn, and grow. It’s our covenant in action.
The invitation of the season is to slow down. What slowing down means, however, depends on you, your life, and the life around you.
Consider: what does it mean for you to align with time – in that sense of coherence that Christopher spoke about on Sunday? To show up fully in the times we are living in, in this time of your life – to be present to time in a deeper sense and to feel – not in tension with it, but at home?
For some, slowing down in this sense might actually mean speeding up. Stepping up, and reaching out. Learning something new, embracing imperfection, risking new relationships – doing more, not less.
We will each have a different way to move in time – and across our lives, these ways will change, as we change. It’s another gift of this season, that we can ask ourselves once again: what does it mean to be fully in time, now?
This Sunday, Rev. Sean will delve into the role of holiday traditions and the way drawing on the past expands our sense of the present, and the future. And bonus! Our youth group will be holding a holiday cookie sale all morning! Hope to see you 8:30, 10, or 11:30.
In partnership,
Rev. Gretchen
Notes from Slow Down: Week 2 – Move In Time
Here’s a little background on and the text of “Night Before Christmas”
We sang our series theme song Will Carry On
Our Adult Choir offered Fum Fum Fum and O Magnum Mysterium
Foothills member James Mitchell offered Everything is Music
In 11:30 the Shady Ukeladies offered Dolly Parton’s In the Meantime
Here’s some great background on coherence and the brain / heart connection And here’s an FAQ with a little more info