Dear Foothills Members and Friends, The time is finally here to figure out how we are going to create a campus that is big enough for us to truly unleash all that our mission asks of us, and all that we dream of doing together. Throughout the month of September, there will be 18 opportunities for you to join a Focus Group. In these one-hour sessions, you’ll join with a small group of other Foothills’ folks to talk through the details of our building plans, and to assess our shared commitment and readiness to launch a full building campaign in the near future. We are asking every member and supporter of Foothills to join one of these conversations. For attending, you’ll get to view a special 3D video of the full campus design so you can see what’s possible really come to life. Based on what we learn in these sessions, the Board will be convening a report to the congregation at a special meeting in early October where we will decide together if we are ready to officially launch our campaign, and to decide our next steps for our future. Please sign up now for a session — this is going to take all of us! We have tried to vary the times/dates so that at least one will work for everyone. If you’re curious, go to the registration link to get an outline of what happens in a Focus Group. It’s an exciting time — we can’t wait to discover what’s possible — together. Looking forward to seeing you soon — on Sunday, and at a Focus Group!Rev. Gretchen