Old Town Fort Collins

Treat Your Guests to a Foothills Welcome!


by Sue Taylor, B&B Program Coordinator

Do you know that Foothills has a Bed and Breakfast Program?

Several generous Foothills families host traveling UUs at reasonable rates, ranging from $50 to $75 (depending on number in party), with all proceeds going into our congregation’s coffers.

Our B&B homes are located throughout Fort Collins and in Windsor—some locations are even on lakes with hosts’ canoes and kayaks available for guest use. Potential UU guests find us through our ad in the UU World, online at UU’re Home, and through YOUR referrals.

The good news for you is that we are here for your guests too!

Are you having a family reunion or graduation celebration, or perhaps friends coming in for a concert or sporting event, and you don’t have room for everyone at your house—refer those you can’t house to Foothills BandB Program! We will offer each of them a warm UU welcome, and you will be contributing to our church as well.

As one of our hosts recently said, “We thoroughly enjoy hosting overnight guests, even though we don’t yet know them, because hearing people’s stories is just so interesting, and enriches our lives. If we can help them have a successful and pleasant visit to Fort Collins, all the better!”

We generally offer hospitality for two or three nights, with continental breakfast included. Some homes have room for accompanying children, but none take pets and smoking is a no-no. All the usual amenities like WiFi and TV are included. You and your family and friends can peruse photos and descriptions of our housing options on the B&B page of the Foothills website. Options range from a cozy apartment with kitchenette, to private bedrooms and baths in charming homes set in gardens. All hosts will happily provide information on Ft. Collins’ many charms, nature trails, transportation and more.

For more information, check out our web page or contact Sue Taylor, our B&B Coordinator, at bandb@foothillsuu.org or 410-960-1019.

Image credit: Citycommunications at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0.



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