In Your Words, Continued….

Our third weekly sharing of highlights of courageous love as experienced at Foothills and wishes for our congregation in the future

These are a handful of highlights and wishes that appeared with significant frequency in the data we collected from 22 visioning workshops with more than 350 participants.

Courageous love as we experienced it at Foothills:

  • The Feb. 2017 all-church pledge drive breakfast at CSU felt like we are one big force for good, with the potential to make such positive change!
  • Our Share the Plate program, with so many causes we support and the good feeling of knowing our presence is making a difference in other lives.
  • Attending a workshop on poverty that led to participation in the One Village One Family program (a “village” of volunteers raising money to help a family get into housing and providing six months of structured support to keep them there.) Volunteers connected so deeply with the family.

Our wishes for the current and future Foothills congregation:

  • That we are able to inspire generosity among ourselves so that we can meet the financial requirements of making our wishes come true. 
  • To grow our facility to meet our needs so we can overflow the goodness. A sense of joy and abundance that allows us to raise $5 million.
  • That Foothills becomes the living room of the community!

Sue Sullivan


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